Monday, November 7, 2011

Fishy NOOO!

1. For my 7th project, i decided to create part of an ocean or a lake. in this, i created a fish, a clam, a worm on a hook, bubbles and of course seaweed. The worm of course is screaming no because he doesnt want to get eaten and he knows the fish is going to die as well!
2. i think for this project, i used mostly creativity and innovation. The reason i think this is because i just kind of thought of this idea for no particular reason and just went with it and made it really fun and happy looking even though its really a sad part of nature.
3. From this project, i learned that i can use the squiggle tool to help me draw any shape i want, like the worm for example, i couldnt use the arc tool or the line tool or polygon tool, i had to use the free hand squiggle too and it allowed me to put my worm on the hook.
4. For this project, i am mostly poud of the pretty fish i made, i think it is really pretty haha :) and i used the arc tool to create different shapes of its fins and stuff.
5. If i coukd go back and redo this project i would probably add more to it, it looks kind of boring and plain but i just kind of ran out ofspace and ideas to do things.

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