Monday, October 24, 2011

Mr pacman and his lady.

1.For my fifth project, i decided to make Mr. and Mrs. Pacman, along with their lovely home, their food, and their ghosts. i made sure to include lots of detail and make it look really cute. I dont have a clue where i got the idea to make this, it just kind of happened. however, it sure did make for a pretty fun and cool project.
2. For this project i used a lot of creativity and innovation. Creativity by adding clothes to the Pacmans, creativity by adding the ghosts and creativity by adding their little grid home with their dots. Also for adding the little heart between the two :)
3.From this project, i learned that you can create objects in the middle f the air! as you can see my ghosts and the heart are floating in the air...and it was that hard to do. I learned that no matter how hard i try, i cant make anything perfect. So if you see my Pacman and their house looking kind of goofy, know that i did try but theyre a little imperfect haha.
4. I am most proud of my little grid/house. i think it looks kind of cool and just adds to the image and makes it look fuller and better. plus it looks like the real grid from the actual game so yeah.
5. If i was to restart this project i would probably try a little harder to perfect it more and not let it look so sloppy, also i would probably hae tried to figure out why the backs of my pacman and my hearts werent appearing when i push/pulled them.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

What i have learned/ what ive accomplished

Through out this past quarter i have learned a lot doing my independent study. I decided to choose 3D dimensional design which is with Google Sketchup, and i thought it would be easy since you're just drawing out 3D shapes. i was however very wrong, its actually quite difficult to do! For the first project i decided to recreate my own car. It was pretty much an epic fail. the reason it was so bad was because i didn't have a clue what i was doing and i couldn't seem to figure it out. cars are suppose to be curvy and with weird shapes and designs and my car just looked like a square glass model. From that project i learned that im not as good as i thought i was and i that i need to try to experiment more till i'm familiar with my creations. From then on, no my projects didn't turn into the most awesome detailed thing ever, but they did begin to improve. i tested more designes and ideas out and found out that im actually quite creative. I learned that there really is more to do with sketchp than i thought there was and you can really create just about anything. Maybe i cant, not right now, but somebody can do it and its pretty cool. So for this quarter i have accomplished my goal which was to become better at google sketchup. ive learned that i am capable of doing a lot and that i can be creative.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Swimming pool

1.For my fourth project, i decided to create a swimming pool. its not the best looking swimming pool, its kind of ghetto looking but it definitely works :) i decided to make a swimming pool because i love swimming and swimming pools are just fun. i was able to meet all the requirements i was very creative i used as much detail as i could and made my swimming pool look just like a normal one would.
2. For this project i think i used a lot of creativity and critical thinking. there were a lot of problems in my way but i was able to get around most of them. i added detail and cool designes and ideas to my project to make it look very cool and interesting.
3. From this project, i learned that i should save more often because i was creating this project before without saving and my computer froze and deleted it. so i have learned from this project the importance of saving.
4.for this project i am mostly proud of the pool itsself that i created. i think its a very cool interesting design and it looks pretty realistic and fun.
5. if i was to recreate this project i would probably try to learn how to creat my own diving board and maybe even a water slide. and i would try to learn how to create people.

Friday, October 7, 2011

The Happy Machine

1.So for my third project, i made what i call the happy machine. it sounds weird and stupid but i had no idea what to do for my third project so, i just started doodling and making shapes. i ended up realizing that i was just kinda letting my mind go free with its creations and i made this super cheesey ugly looking thing haha but it made me feel kinda happy. so then i started to add things in my life that actually make me happy. you probably cant tell, but i used swimming ppol water as one of the paints for one of my shapes because...swimming makes me happy. i used green and purple because greens my favorite color and the purple just looked interesting with it. i put a smiley face cause well its called the happy machine. and of cours i added love cause everyone knows you need love to be happy at least some kind of love in some kind of way.
2. For this project, i definitely used creativity. i did whatever came to mind and i didnt hold back. you cant look at that and tell me someone else has made this thing. though it isnt beautiful though yes it is pretty weird and silly i love it and think it reflects my creativity.
3. form this project, i learned that i love the push/pull tool. i like to push out objects and pull them back in and make the project look more interesting and fancy and whatnot. i also learned that the triangle button on google sketchup makes a pentagon! i enjoyed using that.
4. for this project, i am mostly proud of the fact that i just let myself draw and have fun with it. im proud that i let some of myself show and that i made something that could make me and maybe someone else smile, even if theyre smiling because theyre laughing at how silly my project is.
5.i could improve my project by maybe adding more detail to it or adding more of myself into the project instead of just some silly random shapes.

Monday, October 3, 2011


1.For my second project, i decided to make a nice little house. My house doesnt have too much detail and probably doesnt look all that exciting or unique but i bet there are lots of people who would love to live in my home :). I am somewhat pressed for time with my projects since i dont meet here everyday and i have to have 12 projects done by the end of the semester, so i cant always add very specific cool things to my projects or perfect them but i do try my best to make them look pretty good.
2.For this project i think i used and showed basic operations and concepts. i used simple easy things to make this project and i used prior knowledge and skills to create it. i thought about my options for certain things and tested them out and saw what worked best and what didnt.
3. From this project, i learned how to create multiple objects from just one. I had Ian sitting here next to me to help but after he showed me once i got the hang of it. instead of sitting here remaking and reforming an object to look the exact same as another, all i have to do is select it, press the move tool and hold down option and dwam! a new object exactly the same appears.
4. For this project, i am mostly proud of my staircase railings which i made all by myself and they look pretty cool. Theyre a little too small for my house but they do add a little detail and coolness to my project i think.
5.I think if i was to start over with this project, the one thing id improve is my detail and also the paint on my house. my house does look a little bland and weird looking and i think if i had a little more time and i could start over, those two things would definitely change.